Hi, my name is Puneesh Gogia
I'm the Unknown Developer.

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A passionate individual who always thrives to work on end to end products which develop sustainable and scalable social and technical systems to create impact.



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My Personal Website/Blog, Where I write stuff explaining some basic programming concepts.

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Text 2 Handwriting

Convert your text in a handwritten note and export in the form of pdf

Live demo

Source Code

Covid vaccine availability tracker

This project aims to help you track vaccine availability in your district to help you book a vaccine dose in advance through Cowin website .

Source Code


Create your own virtual assistant which can surf the web for you. Read and send messages on your behalf.

Source Code

Real time object measurement

Learn how to perform object measurement using OpenCV and Python. We will use an A4 paper as our guide and find the width and height of objects placed in this region.

Source Code

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